US Hotel Update
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A Quick Review Of Lodging Industry Performance In 2021
The lodging industry has gradually begun to recover since the pandemic set in. Despite the fact that it hasn't returned to its former glory, it can still be considered a thriving market.
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A Signal Of Return Of Multifamily Market In The Midwest
A new normal phase is around the corner when the U.S. economy has dramatically recovered since April 2020. As a result, the multifamily sector across the nation, especially in the Midwest, expects to continue growing possibly in the foreseeable future and beyond.
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Top Surfing Locations in the US 2022 to Look out for
Surfing is among the most loved extreme sports in the world, with increasing numbers of surfers every year. Surf stats show 35 million surfers worldwide nowadays (ISA, 2012) in at least 162 countries.
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